October Tutorials for our Christmas release, Spaceman Came Walking Through The Air (Chris de Burgh & Aled Jones mashup)
£35 for 4 weeks which includes:
4 x 1 hour Microsoft Teams tutorials learning our collaboration song on Mondays at 6.30pm UK time
Learning resources (mp3s of parts, lyrics & tutorial recordings)
Access to our community Facebook group
A feature in the collaboration video
Rehearsal Dates: Mon 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th October at 6.30pm
- Submission Deadline: Sunday 3rd November at midnight
Click the PayPal link below to sign up. After inputting "35.00" please change the option underneath from "paying for an item or service" to "sending to a friend or family" - thanks!

Singing to your pet a lot lately? Belting out your usual shower classic?
We want you!

Our ChoirCast projects bring together any singer, whatever their experience and wherever their location - don't be shy - sign up today!
Oh, and if you are shy, whether it's about putting your solo voice out there (even just for the producer's ears!) or coping with the technology - fear not - we all started somewhere - here is our playlist of outtakes (warning - explicit!)
Sign up right now, or fill in the form below to get in touch.