Go out of your comfort zone - from the comfort of your living room!
Choosing Your Part
There are usually three parts to choose from: Bass (includes higher octave option for Tenors), Alto (lower female voice) and Soprano (higher female voice). Sometimes you'll see an Alto 1/2 or Soprano 1/2 part if the arrangement contains additional harmonies. 1 is lower, 2 is higher.
Zoom Tutorials
You'll be learning one song bi-monthly in one-hour Zoom tutorials with the choir on Mondays at 7.30pm UK time, singing along with Eliza while on mute (sound delay means we cannot sing simultaneously). You'll learn the songs by ear and tutorials are recorded so you can catch up in your own time if you can't make it.
At the end of the 5 weks, it will be time to record your part for the collaboration video! You'll be filming yourself singing your part, then sending it to me (via Dropbox link - no account necessary) to feature in the collaborative video. Two devices are required for this: one to play the audio of me singing (use a single earpiece in on ear so you can still hear yourself clearly) and the other to video yourself singing along. For the video, use your most up-to-date device (smartphones are usually higher quality for audio & video).
Video Collaboration
Now just sit back and relax - the rest is down to us! It takes about two weeks to complete the video collaboration. Once it's ready, we unveil it through a YouTube Premiere that we will invite you to. You'll also have a link to the video to keep and share with your loved ones!
Once you sign up, you'll have access to a Google Drive folder with mp3s and lyrics to learn from and use for filming, as well as tutorial recordings if you need to catch up.