What can I expect from my first Zoom tutorial?
Sessions last an hour, and in that time you will learn how to warm up your voice correctly before you start working on the song; Eliza will equip you with the tools you need to set yourself up well for the session so that you really feel the difference straight away. She will then take you through your parts one part a time, singing along with her on mute. Sessions are packed with challenge and laughter - Eliza's relentless energy will leave you uplifted!
What do I need to do to prepare before my first tutorial and what commitment is involved?
Nothing to prepare - we will provide you with everything you need! All we ask is that you practice in between sessions as much as you can using the resources we provide. If you've agreed to take part in the video, please honour that commitment. It's difficult for us to rejig the video when people pull out last minute! If you can no longer take part, please give us as much notice as possible.
Will I hear the other singers and will they hear me?
No - all participants will be on mute except Eliza, who you'll sing along with! She may ask you to unmute just for fun - for example, to go over a funny warm up or sing someone Happy Birthday - this is where you'll hear the out of sync chaos of the voices in a very hilarious way, and you'll see why we can't actually make a choir work unmuted!
What if my voice is awful?
Singing is about how it makes you FEEL, not your skill. That's why ALL voices are welcome! And chances are, your voice is nowhere near as bad as YOU think it is, trust us!
What if I don't want to send my recording?
We are fully aware of how daunting it is sending your video of your raw voice with no music. Very exposing! But just remember, when we add your voice with the others to create that fabulous choir sound, you are part of something special - we promise you it will be worth it and you'll be proud of yourself. On the other hand, you are of course very welcome to take part in the sessions without submitting a recording at the end - singing is good for the soul just the same!
Is there any age limit?
No - the broader the age range the better! Whether you're 6 months old and singing before learning to talk, or still rocking that karaoke at 98, WE WANT YOU.
I can't make the Zoom tutorial times - can I still take part?
Of course! If there's no way you can join us live on Mondays then fear not - we record the sessions. You won't miss a thing. And even if you fall behind, your resources are there for you to learn the song in your own time
Can I learn one-to-one?
The ChoirCast sessions are group work only, but you can book singing lessons one-to-one with Eliza - just email singingbristol@gmail.com and she'll get back to you with her availability.
Do you use sheet music?
No - singers learn by ear; Eliza teaches in a "call and response" format as well as using mp3s of your parts which you have access to when you sign up. She also incorporates some basic music theory and vocal techniques.
I am completely useless and have a fear of technology. Can you help?
Yes! We can and we WILL! Don't think for a second that you're alone in this. We are here to make it as smooth and easy as possible, so PLEASE ask us. No question is a stupid question! It may seem like a lot to get your head around: 2 devices, working out Zoom, Google Drive and Dropbox - we can help you make it work and get you organised! We have helped the novicest of novices! (Okay, "novicest" isn't a word).
Do you do corporate events?
Yes! Eliza runs corporate events under the name "Choirworks" - click here to check out the website. At Christmas, she taught a song over Zoom to the staff of Silverback Films in Bristol. Click here for the post-edit of their work Christmas party performance which she made.